Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bathroom Cats

Just realised I haven't posted for a while. Been busy with school, tennis and stuff.

My cats have been really cute lately. They meet me at the car when I get home from school. Jerry jumps out of 'her' tree and Tom comes from the garden area (from the neighbours garage roof I think) Last night I headed for the bath and was greeted with the above sight.....Jerrys latest 'me' place. She is so funny how her 'me' place changes. Apart from the bathroom, her current place is the bottom of the cupbaord and Tom's is the sock box. Will see how long it is till the next place.
Then she decided the plug looked interesting

The Tommy decided to get in on the action too!!!!
Been quite busy playing tennis. Had two matches this weekend and the ol' body is starting to feel it and I am going to be stiff and sore tomorrow.
Off now to wrap some pressies for the Advent swap on UKS. Looking forward to taking part in it again this year.

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